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Nuestra Ira No Tiene Limites
There is No Limit to Our Anger
V. M. Molotov

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Foreign Affairs: Typically, academics describe such situations as “mutually hurting stalemates,” and they often foster the conditions that cause parties to negotiate. If the warring actors lack the means to alter the trajectory of fighting, they often rethink how much they can accomplish by force. And if faced with an increasingly costly and indefinite deadlock, they start to consider previously unpalatable concessions. The result can be bargaining space that did not exist before.

Yet this war has not reached a stage where a negotiated termination is possible, even in principle. To make peace in a conflict, both parties have to be willing to accept each other’s minimum demands. And despite the mutual lack of progress, neither Russia nor Ukraine can swallow each other’s requirements. Kiev, for instance, cannot accept Russia’s demand for new leadership. Moscow cannot accede to Ukraine’s demand for reparations. Both sides will not give up land.

No amount of creative diplomacy can alter these facts. For both countries, fighting on remains preferable to making a settlement. And unless there is a drastic change on the battlefield or in one of the state’s governments, it is highly unlikely that the two sides will revise their requirements in the long term, either.

When this war ends, it is unlikely to be with a compromise agreement that grants Russia many of its demands. Instead, it will either be because Ukraine grows strong enough to wrest control of newly conquered lands and has the capability to deter Russia from attempting to regain them or after the Kremlin prevails more on the battlefield—and Ukraine’s resources are only enough to defend what independent land remains.

Right now, the Russians have the initiative on the battlefield and have declared another round of mobilization. Aid for Ukraine, by contrast, is stalled in Congress, and the West’s unity is shaky.

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@Slavyangrad | Andrei 👋
⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦⚔️#Highlights of Recent Reports until Noon of 2 April 2024 - RFAF Advance in #Semyonovka and on #ChasovYar⚡️

📌 From South to North along the Frontline;
Changes & Hotspots only. The Ratio (🇷🇺:🇺🇦) is a rough Estimate to represent the Situation on Site:

🔻#Kherson Direction
🏁#Krynki - contested (50:50) AFU repulsed

#Zaporozhye Direction
#Rabotino - contested (15:85) RFAF in the south, positional battles
🇷🇺#Verbovoye - northeast of positional battles

🔻#Ugledar Direction
#Novomikhaylovka - contested (60:40) oncoming battles
🏁#Mashinostroitel - contested (05:95) RFAF entered the dacha village (31 Mar)
🏁#Pobeda - contested (90:10) ongoing fights (1 Apr)
🏁#Georgiyevka - contested (15:85) difficult battles (1 Apr)

🔻#Avdeyevka Direction
#Krasnogorovka - contested (01:99) oncoming battles
🏁#Nevelskoye - contested (02:98) oncoming battles
🏁#Pervomayskoye - contested (70:30) tactical RFAF successes
🇷🇺#Vodyanoye taken by RFAF on 31 Mar
🏁#Tonenkoye - ongoing battles west of the village battles👇
🇺🇦#Umanskoye - further RFAF advance
📌🏁#Semyonovka - contested (15:85) RFAF advanced in the village
🏁#Berdychi - contested (80:20) heavy battles without promotion

🔻#Bakhmut Direction
🇷🇺#Kurdyumovka - clashes (1 Apr)
🇺🇦#Andreyevka - clashes (1 Apr)
#Kleshcheyevka - contested (2:98) oncoming battles (1 Apr)
🏁#Krasnoye - disputed (10:90) ongoing fights (1 Apr)
📌🇺🇦#ChasovYar - RFAF advance to the outskirts
🏁#Bogdanovka - contested (50:50) oncoming fights

🔻#Svatovo Direction
🇺🇦#Belogorovka - RFAF advance outside
🇺🇦#Terny - fights east of the village
🏁#Sinkovka - contested (55:45) heavy fights (29 Mar)

📜 Excerpt from the updated Summary Overview👇 /#smo/#ass/
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Botswana's president threatens to send 20,000 elephants to Germany in response to possible ban on import of hunting trophies from Africa

German Greens, including German Environment Minister Steffi Lemke, are considering introducing a ban or restrictions on the import of hunting trophies following Britain's example.

Botswana authorities claim that the ban will affect not only the country's state treasury, but also reserves that ensure the conservation and control of wild animal populations, as well as the ordinary population of the African country.

President Mokgweetsi Masisi said that if the German Greens had a better understanding of the issue, they should show how to live with elephants without hunting. “20,000 wild elephants for Germany. This is not a joke,” Masisi said.

This practice, according to the President of Botswana, is normal. The country now has more than 130 thousand elephants; it previously transferred 8,000 individuals to Angola.

Masisi noted that Botswana suffers from an overpopulation of elephants, they trample people, destroy crops and devastate villages. Hunting is a means of population control, and the ban promotes poaching.

An important condition of the gift, which Masisi says cannot be refused, is that the elephants must remain free-ranging in Germany. “If you like them so much, then please accept this gift from us. You must live with animals the way you tell us to do,” he said.

Earlier, Namibia's Minister of Environment also spoke out against the ban, calling such a decision “illegal” and “neo-colonial.”

@Slavyangrad | Inna 👋
The AFU is at war with students

All seven victims after today's UAV strike are students of Alabuga Polytechnic, among them two 17-year-old teenagers.

They were staying in the dormitory of "Alabuga".

The condition of the guys is assessed as mild to moderate severity. It was reported about the hospitalization of three people, they are "undergoing medical examination".


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@Slavyangrad | Andrei 👋
Ukrainian media are dispersing the information claiming that Ukraine allegedly achieved “mega-success” and blew up an electrical substation in Sevastopol, and therefore there was no light on several streets at night.

This incident was due to a technological incident at the district substation. To put it simply - a short circuit. "Sevastopolenergo" gave the relevant information early in the morning.

At 6:42 there was already light everywhere. Everything is working as normal. Relax.

@Slavyangrad | Inna 👋
@polk105 reports:

Belogorovka, LPR. Despite the hellish resistance of the AFU, our guys managed to break through their defenses south of the chalk quarry.

@Slavyangrad | Inna 👋
🇺🇦Artem Shylo, an adviser to Zelensky's office and the head of one of the SBU departments, was caught stealing 95m hryvnias on the purchase of transformers as part of a criminal group organized by him.

So to speak, he decided to support the campaign of air strikes on Ukraine's energy system with work on the ground. 😀


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@Slavyangrad | Andrei 👋
🇮🇱🇵🇸Seven employees of World Central Kitchen have been killed in an airstrike by the Israeli military in the Gaza Strip.

- The aid group, founded by celebrity Spanish chef José Andrés, helped oversee the construction of a pier and the delivery of aid through it to the northern Gaza Strip, where humanitarian organizations say hundreds of thousands of Palestinians live in dire conditions.

- "This is not only an attack on WCK, it's an attack on humanitarian organizations showing up in the most dire situations, where food is used as a weapon of war. This is inexcusable."

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@Slavyangrad | Andrei 👋
🇮🇷🇺🇸Iranian proxies launched a drone attack on the U.S. At-Tanf base near the Jordanian border. Several drones flew in. The damage is unknown.

Iran earlier promised a mandatory response to the strike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus that killed 7 IRGC officers, including two generals.

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@Slavyangrad | Andrei 👋
As of this morning, the enemy recognizes the advance of the Russian Armed Forces in the southern part of Semenovka and west of Tonenkoye.

Against the backdrop of the assault on Berdychi and Semenovka, the Russian Armed Forces continue their accentuated attempts to push through the enemy defenses in the direction of Umanskoe.

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@Slavyangrad | Andrei 👋
🇷🇺💥🇺🇦 Fire from T-72 tanks has disrupted the rotation of Ukrainian militants in the Avdeevka direction

The firing was conducted on a hovering trajectory with constant fire correction by a UAV operator.

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@Slavyangrad | Andrei 👋
Ria Novosti informs, that Thomas Bach, in a conversation with pranksters Vovan and Lexus, said that the IOC asked Ukrainians to monitor the patriotic statements of Russian athletes on the Internet in order to prevent their participation in the Olympics

Due to this report, I want to share with you a funny post "from one of the Navy commanders":

"Today I listened to more sobs about our athletes - many say, how hard it will be for them to live without the Olympic Games, cause they (athlets) have been preparing for this all their lives, dreaming...

Yet, many people have been preparing for all their life!
For example, I have been preparing all my life and dreamed of launching a torpedo attack on an American submarine, bombarding it with jet depth charges, to see how hundreds of tons of water are thrown into the air by the force of explosions, how debris, papers, clothes float to the surface of the sea, oil stains spread out - that’s it, no more submarine!
I still dream about this at night too!

Why am I worse than these athletes?

Why we, ship commanders, do not have an opportunity once every 4 years to shoot at an American, well, to hell with it, an English submarine?

Moreover, we, the commanders, would certainly do this not anonymously, but under the St. Andrew’s flag!

And what can we say about the Strategic Missile Forces officers who wait their whole lives for the opportunity to press a button?

@Slavyangrad | Inna 👋
Today is the anniversary of the death of Maxim Fomin, whom everyone knew under the pseudonym of Vladlen Tatarsky

Max went through life from a simple lad from Makeyevka to a writer, war correspondent and militiaman, whom everyone knows. He significantly expanded the standards of journalism, he created and embodied by his own example the type of a war correspondent who films, fights and volunteers. His unpresentable, "homebrew" filmed, "the main military show of the country Vecherniy Vladlen" was really watched by the whole country. The enemy was also watching.

After his death, Max became a national hero. Today we all remember Vladlen Tatarsky. And we remember that "the enemy will be defeated, the victory will be ours". This is undoubtedly true.


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@Slavyangrad | Andrei 👋
In the Pskov region, employees of the Russian FSB, together with customs, blocked a smuggling channel for the delivery of explosives from Ukraine in transit through the countries of the European Union.

During an inspection of a car at a checkpoint in the Pskov region, explosives, including foreign ones, were found in Orthodox icons and church utensils.

According to FSB, "In total, from the cargo traveling along the route Ukraine - Romania - Hungary - Slovakia - Poland - Lithuania - Latvia - Russia, 27 improvised explosive devices camouflaged in icons and ready for use , 70 kg of industrially produced high-power plastic explosives , 91 electric detonators were recovered.

@Slavyangrad | Inna 👋

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