Learn Arabic with Khasu Telegram Channel

Only classical Arabic (فُصْحَى)
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Next video will be about translating, therefore I want from you about 100 daily sentences in English, so I will translate them to Arabic.

For example: Every day in the morning I go out and run about 1 hour.

Any sentences, but within “everyday life”.
Do you know what kind of Quran recitation I enjoy?

It's when I can picture myself in the 1st or 2nd century after Hijra, stepping into a quaint old mosque on the outskirts of Baghdad, and hearing one of the companions or Tabi'in reciting just like this.

It's not about fancy effects or a melodious voice, but rather about the reciter's sincerity, the Tajweed, and the deeper meanings.

In the video, we have Sheikh Muhammad Ayub, may Allah bless him, in a recording from 40 years ago.

Share your favorite reciters in the comments.
My dear brothers and sisters, when hundreds of people ask me: “Khasu, I want to learn Arabic, what I should do…” I don’t know how to answer them…

Near, after exams I will make a video about it, but at least first of all you should watch this one:

كم لغة تتكلم؟
ما هذه اللغات؟
كيف تعلمتها؟
أهنئكم بحلول عيد الفطر المبارك.
تقبل الله منا ومنكم صالح الأعمال.
كل عام وأنتم بألف خير🎆🎆🎆
It’s Ok if you got tired and need some rest, but don't dare think about giving up😁
The most beautiful thing in teaching Arabic is to meet amazing people from different countries.

Sometimes I feel like I have to pay my students, not they pay me, because what they give me is much bigger than what I give them.

With students from Thailand 🇹🇭 after Taraweeh in Amman.

بارك الله فيهم ونفع الله بهم العباد والبلاد

P.S: I forgot to ask them their numbers…
Most of the days of Ramadan have already passed, but the greatest part of them remains.
poll ⬇️
Why you teach words no one uses?
I have uploaded all lessons from BY 2 course for Intermediate members in my YouTube channel.

How to get membership?
Visit my channel from PC or Laptop and you will see "Join" button in main page.
When you learn a new language, you don't just learn new words, you learn to think differently.

How can you not enjoy this?
❝And what increased me in honor, glory and pride,

ومِمَّا زادني شَرفًا وتِيهًا

that I almost stepped over the stars❞

وكِدت بأخْمَصِي أطأ الثُرَيَّا

❝Is me being included in your saying "My slaves"

دخولي تحت قولك يا عبادي

and that You made Ahmad my Prophet ﷺ❞

وأن صَيَّرتُ أحمد لي نبيا

— Imām al-Qādhi 'Iyādh [رحمه الله]
في حَالَةِ حُدُوثِ حَريقٍ
In case of (happening) fire…
هل تحب السفر؟ إلى أي دولة تريد أن تسافِرَ؟ لماذا تُريد أن تسافر إلى هذه الدولةِ بالتَحْدِيدِ؟

بالتَحْدِيد specifically

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