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A bad man is often too lazy to do anything to you.

He would take advantage of you if he could...

But he's preoccupied with other priorities.

On the other hand, a desperate man is truly dangerous.

That's the kind of man who will cause actual harm.

Here's an example:

Imagine two guys have been friends for thirty years, and one isn't married.

The unmarried friend frequently hangs out at his friend's house and becomes close with the wife.

They all remain friends for 15 years.

Then suddenly, friend B divorces his wife.

The first thing the ex-wife does to spite him is try to seduce his best friend.

But friend A still needs to develop the skills to attract women on his own.

He never married, and now, in his drought and desperation, he might jeopardize the friendship just to sleep with her.

Desperation can destroy friendships.

He's not inherently bad; he's just desperate.

Here's another example:

Consider a good man who works tirelessly at a factory all week to support his family.

It's Christmas, and with inflation skyrocketing, he struggles even to buy groceries.

This is the man who might end up robbing a liquor store, kill someone, and receive a prison sentence.

It's the desperate individuals you need to watch out for.

They are the ones who act out of necessity, driven by survival instincts.

I often say that I don't want to be friends with somebody who doesn't have an abundance of money and women.

These aspects truly test friendships and where you're most vulnerable to being hurt.

Even if someone is not inherently bad, lacking in these areas indicates desperation.

That's what will get you cooked.
Real friendship is color blind..

And it jokes according..
No movie is worth watching where the hero has no obstacles.

In fact, if you're living a life where you haven't been kicked and felt like you can't get up...

You might be on the wrong path, and might be selling yourself short.
You CANNOT grow unless you’re surrounded by people that are on the same mission as you.

Don’t let this opportunity pass you by…

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Making moves 📈💸
One of the most significant risks you'll face on your journey is that the more successful you become...

The more comfortable you will get.

It's at this point that most people stop developing and growing.

You must remember, along your path, that you must continue to find pain.
I think that separating business and family is bullshit.

The same thing applies to separating personal life and work.

How can people get behind you if they don’t know that you care about them as a person?

How can a team get behind you and want to create a family if the bag in some way can’t be for everyone?

Everybody that works directly with me on my management team will have a key to my house in Dubai if they ever want to go.

Many bosses don’t invite their employees to their house because they don’t want them to see how big their home is.

Fuck that.

I’m currently trying to get two of my main people to buy lots in my neighborhood.

I’ll even break away some of my money to help them move near me.

The closer you are as a unit as a family, the better.

If I can walk out my front door and take 35 steps to be at my partner or operations manager’s house…

That means we can talk business all the time.
The Buckets Of Your Life
You often won't know where you're headed when building your career…

And that's perfectly okay.

Take the time to learn from successful individuals who've achieved what you aspire to.
People like to separate men and women in a lot of ways.

However, in so many ways, men and women are the same.

A lot of people talk about how women are emotional...

I have enough employees to know that grown-ass men are emotional as well.

On the other hand, I know plenty of women who are very strong, cold, ruthless, and hard-shelled.

My ops manager, Ranea, is a STONE-COLD KILLER.

Men would come into her office and start crying, she would have to toughen them up by cussing them up and down.

There are different types of personalities regardless of gender.

We all have souls...

I do believe that there are some strong-souled women in this world.
You Will Fail

Are you afraid to fail?

Is that why you never take any risks to improve your life?

Is that why you never live life outside your phone?

Understand that failure is coming regardless.

It’s not a choice, it’s a necessity.

You will either fail from inaction or fail by taking action.

The beauty with the latter is that you will come out with valuable lessons that will make the next attempt 10 times easier.

You need to remove this “fear of failure” from your mind.

And you need to do it quick.

Because while you are here hesitating to take the leap.

Men like me took that risk without batting an eye. And guess what?

We failed...Countless times.

But we were too tough to quit.

And that’s what got us here.

What about you? Will you take the leap?

Take the leap
Adults are nothing but children with money.

Some people stop growing at an early age.

They’ll finish high school, and decide to stop working on themselves.

That’s why you will see a grown-ass man with a 15-year-old mindset.

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