Hot gif & pic Telegram Channel
❣❣This❣❣ 💖💖Chanel💖💖 💝💝For💝💝 💞💞Love💞💞 💘💘Pic 💘💘 💗💗Gif💗💗 💙💙Text.💙💙 💚💚Music💚💚 Any comment #inbox
❣❣This❣❣ 💖💖Chanel💖💖 💝💝For💝💝 💞💞Love💞💞 💘💘Pic 💘💘 💗💗Gif💗💗 💙💙Text.💙💙 💚💚Music💚💚 Any comment #inbox
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Eng zo’r romantik GIF lar! 😍 Reklama almashish: @Kissing_gif_bot
Реклама: @lisa_white @memakseki @methwords @meanwhileinrussia @stickers_collection @chatroom_music Groups: @gifchat @engchat @chatroom @music_chatroom
~•Dark PICS~•Dark GIF~•LOFI~•AMV*All pics and GiF are not mine**Write me if a pic is yours*Sponsors: @YoulesitFrom 8th September 2018
MiaSquad 🤝 KouroshTopia 🩵GP: @MiaPlaysGp 💙Cr: @amirjj61 🩶2nd : @MiaButMore •اینجا همه باهم متحدیم 🤍•
🌌 GIF Avatars – top avatar GIFs for every taste. Don’t miss the opportunity to decorate your profile with one of the illustrations from our channel. Join @AniArtus
一個為🦄🦄開設嘅gif room!此channel 嘅Gif 由FC / unicorns製作 或由Jeremy Tg group 轉發過來(獲同意後)。如想轉載於不同社交媒體,請先查詢或註明 影片出處 及 credit gif room 💕-十分歡迎unicorns製作gif作分享😘[亦可dm FC 投放於Gif room 中(合適的gif)]
A collection of humor and funny gifs and videos.All gifs are compressed to save user data.Usually have 1/3 ratio of original gif/video dimension to let users save dataMeme & GIF italiane e non… For more infos: @Darky7d
💞 Here you can buy any kinds of high Quality designs, Stickers, Logo, Banners, GIF Videos & also any Certificates 🎖Contact owner: @Traffic_Ads_BoosterAdmin
~Come and grab some gifs from our treasury! Use them as you like, and how often you like! ~Feel free to request gifs you want from us-@QueenOfTheMoon💙@Mylifesmiles💜 ~Some gifs are made by our admin Life 😘
Reaction gif compilation