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Welcome to India’s Most Productive Tech Community. Your perks of joining this are:🎭 Hacking & Programming Stuff👨💻 Career Tips and Learning Roadmaps💷 Money Making Methods😍 Freebies and Giveaways technicalsapien.com
You will be muted until you read the rules. Read them! @Rules_for_Python A group about the Python programming language. Offtopic things go here: @pythonofftopic Resources to learn python: @pythonres Group for Hy: @hylang Selenium: @SeleniumPython
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اینجا محلی پر از منابع برنامه نویسیه 😊برای اشتراکگذاری منابع خوب، تبلیغات و پیشنهادات با این آیدی در تماس باشید:@Mojtabaeuler
This provide you a technical content like Java Programming , Python Programming , C Programming , PHP Programing , Android Development etc. Learn how to make software using java,Python,android and other programming languages.
Программная инженерия и JavaScript сообщества Метархия. Ссылки на митапы, группы и каналы сообщества
Programming jokes and memes. Developers feed:@thedevs Part of The Devs community:
News & links about Python programming.