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Magenta Pixie (Galactic conduit for the White, Winged, Collective, Consciousness of Nine)

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I will be speaking at The Portal to Ascension Conference in Avalon aka Glastonbury in September 2024 for a next dimensional gathering designed to uplift and usher in the New Earth reality. 🌟

Join me and all the other presenters for thought-provoking discussions, engaging workshops, and a journey into the cosmic heritage of humanity. 🚀#PortalToAscension#CosmicAwakening#SpiritualJourney#AvalonExperience
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Two Gnome Brothers across the Pond (Storytime)
Smoky was a 4 lb, 7 inch tall, Yorkshire Terrier who served in World War II. In 1944 Smoky was found in a foxhole in the jungles of New Guinea by an American soldier who brought her back to camp and sold her to Corporal William A. Wynne for $6.44. For the next 2 years Smoky lived a soldiers life. Because she was not an official military dog, she did not get dog food or medical care. She shared Wynne’s meals and slept beside him in his tent.
The little dog even flew 12 air/sea rescue and photo reconnaissance missions, secured in the soldiers backpack. She survived 150 air raids and saved Wynne by warning him of incoming shells. Like many Yorkies, Smoky also loved to learn tricks and perform. She did so with the Special Services – entertaining soldiers in hospitals. After the war Smoky was flown back to the US hidden in a oxygen mask carrying case.
For the next 10 years she made television and public appearances in Veterans hospitals until her death in 1957. Smoky is considered the first Therapy Dog.
Shield Maiden don't know how to contact you but I think you follow this page - thankyou for superchat treats for Tala will make sure your superchat is all spent on her, so VERY lovely & sweet of you XX
Continuing Storytime TODAY! Banana Competition - Spiritual Navigation - Storytime
PREMIERE: Magenta continues storytime, focusing on new chapters in the fictional novel, The Bifurcated Village.
June 13th, 9:00 PM UK Time
PT 1:00 PM, MT 2:00 PM, CT 3:00 PM, ET 4:00 PM
Video URL:
I would just like to say thankyou so very much to everyone who sent superchats and donations in, during and after, the premiere storytime yesterday. I truly appreciate your kindness and generosity and am so happy you enjoyed the story. I will take a look at all the questions asked during the premiere and those that have been sent in afterwards! Sending lots of gratitude and love, Magenta xx 🙏♥️🧡💜💕
Experts, people who think they are experts and traumatised people who blame their vet or the system for the loss of a beloved pet. They may or may not be correct in the way they are thinking here and they need time to integrate their situation and experience.

Try to focus only on the advice coming from a balanced, aware and educated person. Look out for plants and hijacks (they are everywhere) and maybe try to offer your help and support as well, where you can 🙏
Magenta, why is it that on many of the natural and holistic treatments online groups for dogs and cats that people are so anti-vet? Why is seeing a vet seen as such a bad thing? Surely they are the best people to see even if it’s just to get a diagnosis? I just see so many people on these groups and forums that are so against mainstream vets.

My reply; You make a valid point. I personally see a holistic vet who is a complementary service to my primary care vet who is my first port of call. That is where you get a diagnosis from. How you treat after that diagnosis is then up to you. If your pet is injured or in pain or visibly unwell then the first thing you do is call the vet. Posting on social media should not be the first thing on your mind in that scenario.
This is why on my social media groups I always ask people to see a vet first before asking for collective healing unless of course it is something minor that can be treated at home.

Yet as with every topic there is another perspective to see.
Very often the reason why people can come across as ‘anti-vet’ is that the mainstream vet usually gives very different advice on every part of pet care than a holistically thinking and educated person would give. From neutering and vaccines to nutrition and everything else. Having a mainstream AND a holistic vet working together is a very good balance. If you cannot see a holistic vet for whatever reason, then these groups do provide a good alternative as many holistic vets, dog trainers, homeopaths, pet nutritionists, breeders etc will be on these forums to give advice.

We must also realise that many people have injured pets or lost pets due to bad advice from a vet and/or using pharmaceuticals with their pets. We need to understand that as well.

Ultimately these groups and forums are part of the ‘complementary service’ I am talking about. Part of your own personal research or toolkit for your pet’s care.

Within that many owners who want to raise their pet holistically will likely put advice on these groups far above any advice from a mainstream vet. That may or may not be a good thing depending on the advice given.

Also there are many things that can be treated holistically and naturally at home without needing to see the vet.

Ultimately the issue here is interpretation. One person may interpret ‘natural treatments’ or ‘holistic’ in a very different way to another person.

It is also not always easy to get a full picture as to how someone is really feeling about vets or any kind of care for their pet by just reading a short post online. Also the type of care given needs to fit the situation.

For example if someone asked about what to feed their dog or cat and another person replied “ask your vet” then that is not, in my opinion, good advice. Vets are not nutritionists just like doctors are not nutritionists. However a holistic vet will be far more informed when it comes to feeding.

Yet if someone says ‘my cat is limping and cannot put any weight on its leg’ replying with ‘say a prayer and give a homeopathic remedy’ is not going to be enough. You would be potentially looking at neglect in this scenario and of course you would see a vet. Nothing against prayer or homeopathy they are both fantastic but they would not replace a vet’s visit in this case.

Balance in all things.

Owning a pet teaches us so much about navigation through reality. Not only are we looking after our own person and learning about self love and self care but we are also responsible for the well being of another. It is a learning curve and if you are moving within a balanced trajectory within your life then you will become wiser and wiser in this field as you go forward. Learning practically from others, from groups, forums, videos, books etc but also learning practically from your life, interaction and bond with your precious fur baby.

So when navigating these forums you are bound to encounter all kinds of people.
Magenta Pixie’s Premiere starts in approximately 10 minutes from now! 🥰🥰
Magenta Pixie OFFICIAL pinned a photo
Banana Competition - Spiritual Navigation - Storytime

PREMIERE: Magenta continues storytime, focusing on new chapters in the fictional novel, The Bifurcated Village.

June 13th, 9:00 PM UK Time
PT 1:00 PM, MT 2:00 PM, CT 3:00 PM, ET 4:00 PM

Video URL:
Magenta Pixie OFFICIAL pinned a photo
Two Gnome Brothers Across the Pond - Stormfire and Rigello (Village Update)

PREMIERE: Magenta presents storytime, focusing on new chapters in the fictional novel, The Bifurcated Village.

June 12th, 9:00 PM UK Time
PT 1:00 PM, MT 2:00 PM, CT 3:00 PM, ET 4:00 PM

Video URL:
Healing request please for our group member Bob


Requesting some healing for my wonderful dog Dandruff. He has had a bad cough for a while now, the vet thinks he probably has lymphoma. He is 13 so not young anymore but would love so much to have longer with him, as long as he is happy and not in pain of course. Any healing is deeply appreciated and advice and suggestions also welcome. Thank you! 💙💚💜💛🙏
For those who cannot access Rumble then the Stepping into New Earth Podcast with AJ Roberts, Pam Gregory and Magenta Pixie is now on Bitchute and Odysee

BitChute PixieMagentaNine

Odysee Magenta Pixie and the White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine

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