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and yes, this animation lasts 3s
Fully working CA sprint
from Uncle Crunchy Chicken
Ghost scythe is more visible now.

from Uncle Eric Green
[GI - 4.6 BETA] Arlecchino Charged Attack

It seems... unfinished.

Credits to Uncle Bro.
[GI - 4.6 BETA] Potential banners

Should be between: Arlecchino/Lyney, Wanderer/Baizhu.

Heavily subject to change.

As usual with any and every banner leaks, take it with a grain of salt and wait for actual announcement.
from Uncle Eric Green
[GI - 4.6 BETA] Arlecchino Boss Design
[GI - 4.6 BETA] Arlecchino Constellation / Weapon Menu
[GI - 4.6 BETA] Arlecchino Constellation / Weapon Menu
Chronicled Wish in-game (A little bit broken. This is just an example, not all weapons are here)
New ZZZ character
New ZZZ character

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