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#1 Breaking Newswire in the Maldives

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Raees ge kokko Saudha ge kaamiyaabee faahaga kuran havaa aruvaifi

At BestBuy Mobile (located at Majeedhee & Maaveyo Magu), we take pride in offering genuine products in our authorized stores. You can shop with ease knowing that our items are originals.

We also provide flexible payment options, accepting POLCO, MFLC, MIB, BML Easy, and BML Islamic Credit Scheme.

Plus, enjoy the convenience of free delivery by calling 7952033, 9832007, 9571007, or 9982007. 🛍️🚚 Visit us at http://bit.ly/3ScZdxm for more information
🚨To send us breaking news and updates, message us on:

🔵 Telegram: https://t.me/MessageMvCrisis

🔵 Facebook: https://facebook.com/MvCrisis

🔵 Twitter: https://twitter.com/MvCrisis

🔵 Invitation link to our channel: https://t.me/MvCrisis
Are you excited? The Vacations Expo is coming soon from 25th to 27th of April 2024. Mark your calendars and get ready for the most exciting expo in town X!!

Venue: Central Park, Hulhumale
Time: 16:00 - 18:00 20:00 - 23:00

Visit and stand a chance to win exciting deals, one of a kind travel experiences and so much more! See you there ;)
Today's forecast calls for a high of 32C (90F) and a low of 28C (83F). Currently, it's 29C (85F) and Mostly Cloudy outside.

Current wind speeds: 11 Km/h (7 mph) from the Southwest
Humidity: 85%
Sunrise: April 26, 2024 at 05:56AM
Sunset: April 26, 2024 at 06:11PM
UV index: 0

via https://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=4.183993094560251,73.50701444081054&par=ifttt&cm_ven=ifttt
Have a wonderful day!
Kulhudhufusheegai huri campaign office eh gai roakolli kamuge thuhumathugai meehaku hayyaru koffi

ރަށު ޕިކަޕް ، ރަށު ޕިކަޕް ގެ ބެޓެރީ އަދި ސްޕެޔަރ ޕާރޓްސްގެ އާސްޓޮކް ލިބިގެން ވިކެމުން ދަނީ، އަވަހަށް ގުޅާލަދެެއްވާ . ރަށު ބޯޓަށް ފެރީ އަށް ހިލޭޭ ޑެލިވަރީ ކޮއްލަދެވޭނެ. ގުޅާލަަދެެއްވާ📞7571854/7345165ޒިޔާރަތް ކޮއްލައްވާ📍މާފަންނު ބިސްބުރު ކައިރީ ޖަވާހިރު މަގު.

ރަށު ޕިކަޕަށް ބޭނުންވާ ހުރިހާ ސާމާނެއް އެއްފުރާޅެއްގެ ދަށުން ހޯދެއްވުމަށް އިހާ މޯލްޑިވްސް ވަރެއް ނެތް. ކަސްޓަމަރުންގެ ފައިވް ސްޓާރ ރޭޓިންގް ބްރޭން އިހާ ލިލޯންގް.
1250 ކިލޯ އަގު -/28999
1500 ކިލޯ އަގު -/33999
"ރޯދަ ޕްރޮމޯޝަން ހިލޭ ކްލޯތިންގް ރޫފް"
India Ambassador aa Kureege Majlis Raees Nasheed ge bahdhaluvumeh kuriyah dhanee. #HappeningNow
At BestBuy Mobile (located at Majeedhee & Maaveyo Magu), we take pride in offering genuine products in our authorized stores. You can shop with ease knowing that our items are originals.

We also provide flexible payment options, accepting POLCO, MFLC, MIB, BML Easy, and BML Islamic Credit Scheme.

Plus, enjoy the convenience of free delivery by calling 7952033, 9832007, 9571007, or 9982007. 🛍️🚚 Visit us at http://bit.ly/3ScZdxm for more information
Maldive Gas ge kureege MD Maumoon ge mahchah hiyaanaathuge 7 dhauvaa eh
އައިލެންޑް ޕާފިއުމްސް އަދި އައިލެންޑް ޕާފިއުމް ބަރ އިން އެންމެ މަޝްހޫރު ބްރޭންޑްތަކުގެ ޓޮޕް ކޮލެޓީ އަތަރު އަދި ސެންޓު ވަގުތުން ތައްޔާރުކުރުކޮށް ދޭ! މިއީ ރާއްޖޭގައި ހުޅުވި ފުރަތަމަ ޕާފިއުމް ބާރއެވެ.

📍 Island Perfumes: https://bit.ly/IslandPerfumes

📍Island Perfume Bar: https://bit.ly/IslandPerfumeBar
📞 Hotline: 7558822

Samsung A35 5G 8/128GB 5899/-
Samsung A35 5G 8/256GB 6499/-

At BestBuy Mobile (located at Majeedhee & Maaveyo Magu), we take pride in offering genuine products in our authorized stores. You can shop with ease knowing that our items are originals.

We also provide flexible payment options, accepting POLCO, MFLC, MIB, BML Easy, and BML Islamic Credit Scheme.

Plus, enjoy the convenience of free delivery by calling 7952033, 9832007, 9571007, or 9982007. 🛍️🚚 Visit us at http://bit.ly/3ScZdxm for more information
🚨To send us breaking news and updates, message us on:

🔵 Telegram: https://t.me/MessageMvCrisis

🔵 Facebook: https://facebook.com/MvCrisis

🔵 Twitter: https://twitter.com/MvCrisis

🔵 Invitation link to our channel: https://t.me/MvCrisis
Bangkok gai inthihaa ah hoonu gadhave gein beyrah nunikuthumah ilthimaaskohfi

Lisa's Farm Blueberry Jam

Take your taste buds on a berry-licious journey. 🫐♥️

⇥ Imported and distributed by Sunny Enterprises.
⇥ To place orders, send a Viber message to 7990052.

📞 Call 3322013 for more info.
10 aharuge kiyevumuge bodu imthihaan miadhu, 7,500 dharivarun baiverivey
Goodmaid is a leading household brand that provides a high-quality and wide selection of household cleaning products.

Goodmaid Offers:
🧹Floor Care
👕Fabric Care & Detergent
🚽Toilet Cleaners
🧽Scouring Range
🛋️Specialize Cleaners
🧼Surface Cleaner
🌼Air Freshener
🌱Biodegradable Cleaners

Authorised Wholesale and Retailer Power X

Viber/Whatsapp Contact 7781057 for wholesale and retail

View products at www.powerxmaldives.com or find us on Instagram (powerx.mv)
Today's forecast calls for a high of 32C (90F) and a low of 28C (83F). Currently, it's 29C (84F) and Partly Cloudy outside.

Current wind speeds: 11 Km/h (7 mph) from the Southwest
Humidity: 88%
Sunrise: April 25, 2024 at 05:56AM
Sunset: April 25, 2024 at 06:11PM
UV index: 0

via https://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=4.183993094560251,73.50701444081054&par=ifttt&cm_ven=ifttt
Have a wonderful day!
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