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This woman is a well-known South African politician.
Cultural enrichment Europe.
In Brazil the usual suspect attacked a pram and pointed a knife at the father, wounding his hand, who then managed to disarm and kill the attacker, defending himself and his daughter.
Cultural enrichment.
Some call this “cultural enrichment.”
Some call this “cultural enrichment”.
Usual suspect under arrest wants to bite police officer who reacts with a punch.
Europe 1923 - 2023.
A defenseless woman enjoys the "benefits" of Sharia law. Soon this cultural enrichment in your neighborhood in Europe.
National Geographic Europe.
The usual suspect in UK attacks a security officer who reacts promptly. Legend.
The situation in Germany is completely out of control. “Pro-Palestine" immigrants attack Berlin police who, in minority, defend themselves. Many police officers were injured. Indiscriminate and uncontrolled immigration has brought chaos to Western Europe. An unprecedented situation. Mass expulsions are now necessary.
The German police are not joking.
Islamic terrorists.
Four cowards.
Afghanistan 2019. Europe 2030.
What is this?
Chaos in Germany. Pro-Hamas immigrants in Berlin shout intifada. They don't want peace, they want war. They call for Islamic Jihad and do so in the heart of Europe with attacks on the police, throwing of Molotov cocktails and various destructions.
Women should be hugged, not beaten. Maybe cultural enrichment doesn't know.

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