TGStat EN Telegram Channel

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Hello, dear friends.
We are glad to present you TGStat 2.0

— Redesigned everything
— Upgraded the catalog
— Added analytics for groups
— Upgraded channel analytics
— Got rid of unessential
— Improved the essential
...shortly, that's it.

In the near future, we will prepare a series of review on the new cool features that we have, but in the meantime, you can see everything yourself on

We tried to make everything as clear, convenient and comfortable as possible, relying on many years of communication with the admins of Telegram channels. Yet if some points seem wrong or not obvious, please report here.
Channel name was changed to «TGStat EN Channel»
Channel photo updated
How to get a New Year's postcard from TGStat?
(if you don't want to wait until we send postcard)

1. Start @TGStat_Bot

2. Write:

2021 @username
substituting the username of your channel (for public channels)

or link (for private channels)

3. Enjoy and share with subscribers!
Happy New Year!

This year Telegram has pleased us with many incredible updates, attracted hundreds of millions of new users and received the title of the world's fastest-growing mobile application. It means that we are in the right place, folks.

In the new 2022 year, we wish all channel owners a rapid increase in subscribers, high posts reach, high-quality active audience and, of course, happiness and health.

Without changing the tradition started back in 2018, we will again please the channel administrators with the results of the outgoing 2021 via special New Year's cards.

The online postcard will be sent to all owners of channels verified on the service within 2-3 hours.

Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!

It was a good year for Telegram — there were plenty of exciting updates, while the general audience approached 500 m. active users.

We wish you more pleasant news in 2021 (and significantly less unpleasant ones), together with rapid subscribers' growth, increasing channel's reach, active high-quality audience, and, indeed, pure luck.

Following the long-standing tradition, we prepared New Year cards with channel's 2020 stats for the channel admins.

The card will be sent to all verified channel owners in 2-3 hours.

See you in 2021,
Expanding geography

New countries added to TGStat.


In addition to the filter by country, a filter by channel-language is now also available. statistics is integrated to TGStat.

More than 6.5 million transitions to Telegram-channels from social networks and other external sources are made monthly through the redirect-service

For channel admins:
Use service when you attract traffic from external sources. Thus, you can visually track conversion of each traffic source in dynamics by hour, and explain to advertisers sudden followers increase over a period of time.

For advertisers:
Pay attention to the new marks in channel statistics.

For redirect-service owners:
TGStat is ready to integrate statistics from redirect-services that have monthly transitions from 100 000 and higher. Statistics interface will indicate from which service certain statistics were received from.

To discuss integration questions write here.
Notifications about removing publication

Our @TGAlertsBot now can notify you about removing publication that contains a link to your channel.

For example, you paid for the advertising post in one of channels, post was published and you went to sleep, but after 2 hours post was deleted by a malicious admin-scammer. How to find out about removing? The answer is simple:

@TGAlertsBot will notify you immediately, if you select the appropriate option in the tracking settings. See how cool it works in our video.

Also in the bot interface have been added new control buttons, allowing:
— by 1 click you can view the saved copy of publication on site (it's convenient if publication is made in a private channel or already deleted from Telegram);
— by 1 click you can disable the unwanted source of notifications (e.g. chats with an overwhelming spam, channels with 2 subscribers, etc).

Hourly subscribers growth and dynamics of views for publications on

Hourly subscribers growth
New detailed statistics contain reposts and channel mentions. It also includes marks about your own publications. This marks help to understand after which event you have increase or outflow of subscribers.

Hourly dynamics of views for publications
Detailed statistics also available now for channel publications. In first hour after publication you can observe chart with dynamics of views growth for every 10 minutes. Starting from second hour, chart will show dynamics of views growth by hour. In addition, the publication statistics interface has an exact date of deletion, quick switch between channel publications and fixed indicators with the number of publication views for 1, 3, 8, 24 and 48 hours. This is extremely convenient when you evaluating effectiveness and planning advertising publication for a fixed term.

Hourly rates are available from January 1, 2020.
How to get a New Year's postcard from TGStat?
(if you don't want to wait until we send postcard)

1. Start @TGStat_Bot
2. Write "2019 @username", substituting the username of your channel (for public channels), or "2019" (for private channels)
3. Enjoy and share with subscribers

UPD: don't be discouraged, if it didn't work out the first time — bot is heavily loaded.
Happy New Year!

We wish all administrators high posts reach, high-quality active audience and, of course, happiness and good luck in the new 2020 year. Without changing the tradition introduced in 2018, this year we also prepared a New Year's gift for administrators — postcards with the results of the year. Postcard will come within 5-6 hours to all owners, who have verified their channel on our service.

With holiday greetings,
On November 23, Iran began to regain access to Internet, which was blocked a week earlier by order of the Supreme National Security Council across the country due to protests caused by rising petrol prices.

The number of views in Iranian Telegram-channels has returned to its previous values, relevant before the shutdown, although access to mobile Internet is still not fully restored.
Supreme National Security Council of Iran ordered blocking Internet across the country due to protests caused by rising petrol prices.

Total number of views in Iranian Telegram-channels decreased almost 9 times: from 1.3 billion to 150 million per day.

Total number of publications in the days «without Internet» reached 75 thousand, instead of the usual 350 thousand per day.
(based on data from 35 thousand Iranian Telegram-channels)
Our @TGStat_Bot supports inline mode.

You can quickly send widget statistics in personal dialogue, chat or channel.
API Changelog:

▪️Method posts/search:
- added support for extended syntax of requests
- added peerType filter for ability to search posts "only on channels" or "only on chats"

▪️Method words/mentions and words/reach declared deprecated:
- to obtain data returned by these methods, you must use new method words/mentions-by-period
- added support for extended syntax of requests

▪️Added method words/mentions-by-channels to get number of mentions and total coverage of the keyword by channel. Using this method, displays a panel of mentioning channels with the number of mentions in each channel.

▪️Added method channels/search to search for channels by keywords and get list of channels inside category. Using this method, works our @SearcheeBot.

▪️Added description for extended syntax of requests.

▪️Posts search API connected to Realtime-index, in which new publications from Telegram is adding in real-time mode.

Unfortunately, documentation is only in Russian, so if you have any questions — write to [email protected].
Have you ever dreamed about a convenient search for channels in Telegram?

Check out @SearcheeBot — your guide to the largest directory of Telegram channels.

He will show you the most popular channels in selected category or help you find a channel by keyword. And the best part is that you can do this without leaving your favorite messenger!
Another cool feature of @TGStat_Bot — showing view statistics of Telegraph-articles: in dynamics by hours, days, months.

Using is very simple!
You need to send Telegraph-article's link in dialogue with bot.

• If article was published more than a month ago — you will receive monthly view statistics;
• If less — you will receive view statistics by days;
• If article is very young and was published less than 2 days ago — bot will send hourly view statistics.

In addition, bot shows which channels shared your article and sends links of this publications.
Changes in the post rating

Now the TOP-100 post rating are including only one publication from each channel for the selected time interval.

Previously there was no such restriction, and a significant part of the TOP could be filled with posts of the same popular channel.

TOP of the most popular publications of the day/week/month here:
If you want to know who reposted or shared publication's link without leaving your favorite Telegram — just forward this publication to our bot @TGStat_Bot!

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