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As I consume more knowledge, make notes and write further in my manifesto it becomes increasingly clear that many of my earlier right wing assumptions and beliefs were not as well thought and lacked a coherent structure. Now they do 😏
57% support a 32-hour work week
Bruh this is so fucked
I won’t be surprised that Putin will declare a new wave of mobilization tomorrow at this point
🐵Putin doesn't bother to make his election results appear even *slightly* realistic so he draws an insane voter turnout of 88% for a region that Russia does not even control 🤡
On a good note, in polling stations that can’t be rigged (those located in the West) Dovankov (a systemic liberal candidate) receives an insane lead over Putin in almost every country.

Realistically the Russian support for Putin in the West remains at around 15-20%.

If I were to estimate - Dovankov has probably got at least 25% of the popular vote inside of Russia while Putin got around 55%. But none of this matters internally because the Russian elections are 100% rigged.

The only W in this is that Russians who are living inside of Russia will once again recognize that their vote doesn’t matter and they should boycott elections or destroy the ballots while Westerners won’t assume that every Russian is a zigger by default from this point onwards.
So the monke has received almost 90% of the vote even though according to polls, he was polling at around 55-57% days before the election.

I made the right decision by not participating in this freak circus 🎪

Shitlibs like Katz who shilled hard for Dovankov take the biggest L for tonight.
The voter turnout in occupied Kherson Oblast is 83.87% despite Russia realistically controlling only like 35% of the population 🐵🤡
This is the most quintessential Russian moment imaginable
Right Wing Document

1. Immigration
2. Race
3. Criminal Justice
4. Homosexuality
5. Transgenderism
6. Feminism
7. Abortion
8. Right Wing > Left Wing
9. Covid Related Stuff
10. Guns
11. Drugs
12. Climate Change
13. Theology

This is an extensive document (629 pages) of data, articles, studies on the above topics. To give some perspective as to why I created this document, I created it to give more access to information to right-wingers. In other words, the studies in this document can be used by content creators (YouTubers), authors of books, or even a regular person trying to craft an argument. My point is that anyone can utilize the information (That I've simply collected from the internet) and spread our ideas. So far, this document is at 629 pages, but as time goes on and (if) I continue to add information, I'll continue to post updated PDFs. With that being said, here is the Right Wing Document:

Document: https://rightwingessays.files.wordpress.com/2024/03/right-wing-document.pdf
Rome during the age of republic
Indian New World Order 💩
Bro imagine being mogged this hard.

A game called Dead by Daylight hired a transgender to voice some giant troon monster that looks like a combination the troon soyjak and how you’d imagine trans people look like if you only watched The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
Bro imagine being mogged this hard.

A game called Dead by Daylight hired a transgender to voice some giant troon monster that looks like a combination the troon soyjak and how you’d imagine trans people look like if you only watched The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
A chudcel who has a picture of Alexander Solzhenitsyn as his pfp yet still calling for Putin to be a US president is the absolute peak Rightoidism
An AI was asked to illustrate the evolution of women’s underwear throughout the years. The results for 2020s were telling. Nobody asked it to illustrate the way that it did. The AI has simply copied what was seen in the advertisements.
average fan of Evola and Dugin
Live ANATOliy reaction 👽😬

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