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Posts cover NWO agenda (COVID, Agenda 21, anti-White hate, anti-family agenda, etc.), European history, archaeology, genetics, etc. / / / / You can plagiarize any of my writing & content

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Distribution of wolves in Italy, 1900 to 2020.
Leading Belgian nationalist threatened with prison because somebody vaguely related to him posted an edgy meme 7 years ago.
Banned from Germany

๐ŸŸฅ Today I received a notice from the Potsdam Foreigners Registration Office. Valid from today:

- I am no longer allowed to enter German territory for 3 years.
-Otherwise I will be pushed back/deported and punished.

โ–ช๏ธWhat are the reasons? Normally, this is only possible if you pose a real and high threat to public order and security. The authorities therefore claim that my books and ideas about #remigration and patriotic activism are a threat to the German statehood! I have never been convicted of any crime!

โ—๏ธIn there 40-page dossier, they c/P f left-wing NGOs that are financed by Soros and have already lied many times.

โš–๏ธ I will take legal action against this. If this holds, then Germany will soon ban every patriot from entering the country - while hundreds of thousands of illegals enter at the same time! This is a unique and breathtaking act of repression. It shows one thing above all: the establishment's panic-stricken fear of me and my ideas. A good reason to continue with full force.

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A new Substack claiming to be written by an "ex White nationalist" has appeared.

He advises "fashy goys" [fed alert] to give up on race and "get serious" by focusing on "real issues," like banning Tiktok and gambling apps and reforming social security.

Apparently, he "stopped being racist" because he moved to a White town that he found boring and Latinx might vote GOP in the future, so demographics don't matter anymore. Now he posts miscegenation fantasies on Substack.

He is also pro-reparations, wants Blacks and Whites to form a single ethnic group, wants to abolish race from all aspects of life, and wants Latinx to "assimilate" into Whiteness.

Definitely seems like an op to me. Very reminiscent of the age-old FBI strategy: Agent joins dumb Nazi LARP organization, "suddenly" has a change of heart after his infiltration tenure is up, disavows racism, marries Black woman, starts working with the SPLC/ADL.
A new Substack claiming to be written by an "ex White nationalist" has appeared.

He advises "fashy goys" [fed alert] to give up on race and "get serious" by focusing on "real issues," like banning Tiktok and gambling apps and reforming social security.

Apparently, he "stopped being racist" because he moved to a White town that he found boring and Latinx might vote GOP in the future, so demographics don't matter anymore. Now he posts miscegenation fantasies on Substack.

He is also pro-reparations, wants Blacks and Whites to form a single ethnic group, wants to abolish race from all aspects of life, and wants Latinx to "assimilate" into Whiteness.

Definitely seems like an op to me. Very reminiscent of the age-old FBI strategy: Agent joins dumb Nazi LARP organization, "suddenly" has a change of heart after his infiltration tenure is up, disavows racism, marries Black woman, starts working with the SPLC/ADL.
Someone went through the entire Texas sex offender registry and found that the government data was insanely wrong.
In government data it says 40% of offenders are White but after removing all Blacks & Hispanics listed as White, it drops to 28%.

"To many, โ€œstereotypeโ€ is a word practically synonymous with โ€œfalse,โ€ but stereotype accuracy is one of the best replicated findings in psychology."

Intuitive behavioral genetics
Arthur Balfour's motivation for signing the Balfour Declaration was, in his own words, to "mitigate the age-long miseries created for Western civilization by the presence in its midst of a Body which it too long regarded as alien and even hostile, but which it was equally unable to expel or to absorb."

As prime minister, Balfour helped pass the UK's 1905 Aliens Act, which restricted Jewish immigration. He argued that "it would not be to the advantage of the civilisation of the country that there should be an immense body of persons who [...] by their own action, remained a people apart, and not merely held a religion differing from the vast majority of their fellow - countrymen, but only inter-married among themselves."

- Jewish Daily Forward
- UK Parliament archives
Leftists are completely insane. They should be locked up in asylums for the good of society.

Context: "Harmless autistic black kid" gets shot by a cop after charging to attack him with a scythe.
Leftists are completely insane. They should be locked up in asylums for the good of society.

Context: "Harmless autistic black kid" gets shot by a cop after charging to attack him with a scythe.
Funny quote from anti-White historians Rebecca Redfern and Tom Booth (who was involved with the Cheddar Man hoax):

"Certain groups of right wing and nationalist extremists have developed a sophisticated understanding of DNA that often surpasses archaeologists or museum professionals."

Correct. Me and my internet friends are smarter than you dumb libtards.

We aren't "extremists" though, we are very moderate and sensible. Extremism is trying to ethnically cleanse White people by mass importing one trillion brown people and then falsifying history to retroactively justify your psychotic political agenda.

Funny quote from anti-White historians Rebecca Redfern and Tom Booth (who was involved with the Cheddar Man hoax):

"Certain groups of right wing and nationalist extremists have developed a sophisticated understanding of DNA that often surpasses archaeologists or museum professionals."

Correct. Me and my internet friends are smarter than you dumb libtards.

We aren't "extremists" though, we are very moderate and sensible. Extremism is trying to ethnically cleanse White people by mass importing one trillion brown people and then falsifying history to retroactively justify your psychotic political agenda.

Libtard geneticists tell the most barefaced lies.

In her study, they found four outlier samples from the Iron Age / Roman Republic: Some Greeks and a Punic.

Of the ~40 published Iron Age Etruscan samples to date, there are five outliers: Three Punics, one central European, and somebody with mixed Italian/Armenian-related ancestry.

Are we supposed to believe that a few Greeks (probably from Magna Graecia) and some Punic merchants were instrumental in the rise of the Roman Empire? What a ridiculous claim.

Edit: It turns out the individual they modeled as having "mixed Italian/Armenian-related ancestry" (sample MAS001) was just somebody from the Balkans with slightly more CHG and steppe ancestry than native central Italians. This is exactly what I'm talking about! Academics are crooks.
"Robbers, convicts, the worthless of every species," are to form the advance guard of insurrections and lead the peasantry to the extreme of violence.

In every revolution the dregs of society come to the surface. Never had these been visible before; like badgers in the woods, or rats in the sewers, they had remained in their burrows or in their holes. They issue from these in swarms, and suddenly, in Paris, what figures!

"Where do they come from? Who has brought them out of their obscure hiding places?... strangers from everywhere, armed with clubs, ragged... some almost naked, others oddly dressed" in incongruous patches and "frightful to look at," constitute the riotous chiefs or their subordinates, at six francs per head, behind which the people are to march.

โ€” Hippolyte Taine, The Origins of Contemporary France (1875)
The Xin Dynasty is an interesting but lesser known example of this. It was founded by a guy called Wang Mang, who was the nephew of an empress of the Han Dynasty. He was born into the elite, but lacked the power, titles, and status of his fellow clan members. He meritocratically climbed the ranks until he was eventually made regent of the child emperor Ping.

He created a personality cult by getting his influential friends to invent fake prophecies about himself, claiming to be a reincarnation of various great and mythic men, while exiling and killing off his rivals. He soon poisoned Ping and became emperor.

He immediately abolished property, redistributed land, monopolized all major industries, abolished slavery, and introduced a bunch of new taxes. He was deposed a decade later because his dumb economic policies caused rampant corruption and imploded the country.
The Black ethnostate that genocided its entire White population is now plagued by gang warfare and cannibalism? Must be Whitey's fault somehow.
New genetic study on Pompeii confirms previous findings from Rome and Etruria:

During the imperial era, native Latins were ethnically replaced by mass migration from the Eastern Mediterranean, primarily Greece, Anatolia, and the Levant.

1. Pompeii, time capsule of the Roman Empire: paleogenomic analysis of human remains found in the ancient city (2024)
2. The origin and legacy of the Etruscans through a 2000-year archeogenomic time transect (2021)
3. Ancient Rome: A genetic crossroads of Europe and the Mediterranean (2020)
New genetic study on Pompeii confirms previous findings from Rome and Etruria:

During the imperial era, native Latins were ethnically replaced by mass migration from the Eastern Mediterranean, primarily Greece, Anatolia, and the Levant.

1. Pompeii, time capsule of the Roman Empire: paleogenomic analysis of human remains found in the ancient city (2024)
2. The origin and legacy of the Etruscans through a 2000-year archeogenomic time transect (2021)
3. Ancient Rome: A genetic crossroads of Europe and the Mediterranean (2020)

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