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A flotilla of Russian naval vessels has set out for the Caribbean Sea for “training exercises”

Normie fuel

President Vladimir Putin announced yesterday that for the first time since the heights of the 20th century Cold War, the US government has been officially identified as an “Enemy Nation” to Russia.

President Putin publicly stated over the last 24hrs that Russia reserves the right to target countries that supply weapons to Ukraine, if those weapons are found to have been used in attacks by the Ukrainian Kyiv regime on Russian territory, or her peoples.

World Trade Center Tower #7, located 350ft due north of WTC 1&2, collapsed into its footprint in 6.6 seconds on 9/11/2001, despite not being impacted by any aircraft.

The official story was that a series of “spontaneous office fires” led to a similar structural weakening in the building, as that which the public was told occurred inside Towers 1&2 as a result of burning Jet-A fuel. However, an independent engineering analysis conducted by the University of Alaska Fairbanks in 2017, found there had been no exterior wall deformation as a result of expansion of structural beams due to heat. Additionally, no “shearing” studs were installed on structural support beams K3004, C3004, B3004, A3004, as required, and the shear-studding installed on beam G3005 was found to have been intentionally broken.

Lastly, several bolts fastening support girders to their load-bearing seats on columns 44 and 79, inside the building’s superstructure, were found to be broken in a distinct pattern.

Remember Remember the 5th of November

Those who suggest that the Gain of Function "Moratorium" enacted under the Obama Administration was anything other than a smoke-screen to silently, and partly off-book, continue US taxpayer funded bioweapon development in violation of multiple US-recognized international treaties ... have not done the proper level of reading required to voice opinions on the matter.

Those who suggest that the Gain of Function "Moratorium" enacted under the Obama Administration was anything other than a smoke-screen to silently, and partly off-book, continue US taxpayer funded bioweapon development in violation of multiple US-recognized international treaties ... have not done the proper level of reading required to voice opinions on the matter.


The US FDIC reported today that more than 60 US banks are on the brink of collapse due to insolvency, with a recorded loss of $517 billion dollars in the banking system just for Q1 2024 alone.

In the late 1990s President Bill Clinton, and the corrupt US DOJ/Court System, shelled out $850,000 USD (chump change by comparisons) in order to make a sexual harassment lawsuit go away, and bankrupt/silence a victim in the process.

The military government of Myanmar is arresting black market forex currency dealers “by the dozens”, in an effort to fully stabilize the country’s currency.

The New York Stock Exchange is currently attempting to run PR damage control, after a “glitch” caused an apparent 99% drop in the stock price of Berkshire Hathaway Inc., along with many other high profile stocks.

Audio File 76

Trump Trial Verdict: ThankQ For Playing > Retired USMil Operator Recalled to Duty March 4th, 2020 > Korean Peninsula “S*** Storm” Declared by Kim Jong Un > US Congress Preparing to Automate Draft Registration — Tucker Carlson Says “Just Try It” >>> Accelerator Through the Floor >>> #DarktoLight#WETHEPEOPLE#TheWarToEndAllWar#GodWins >>> #WWG1WGA

Personal Sunday Message to Patriots: You and your family are Loved.

If you hear and/or see this from no one else on this beautiful day, know that each of you, and your families, are deeply Loved.

I do not personally know the vast majority of Patriots who choose to share their valuable time with this profile and my work, and who are themselves doing incredible things to destroy evil forever.

And I do not need to.

All of you are human. All of you are Patriots. All of you are Children of the Living God.

You are the Power of "We The People" incarnate.

And I Love All of you.

I am endeavoring to complete File 76 and get it cleaned up. Due to family events the last 2 days, I am running a bit behind.

I am still on-track for release today (6/2), but there is a good chance it will be significantly later into the evening time, EST USA, instead of the early evening period I was shooting for.

Lots to cover.

“All will do as told”

President Donald Trump’s @ realDonaldTrump brand new TikTok account (went live last night at UFC) is growing by a rate of around 105,000 new followers per hour.

Normies (and some ‘freshman’ awakened Patriots):
“Yes there’s a DeepState, but there’s no such thing as ‘hidden symbolism everywhere’, and there’s no evidence the DeepState worships satan or puts odes to Lucifer right in front of our noses, and you’re reading too far into things if you think that’s true”

Twice-folded US $1 Bill, held in the sunlight:

Normies (and some ‘freshman’ awakened Patriots):
“Yes there’s a DeepState, but there’s no such thing as ‘hidden symbolism everywhere’, and there’s no evidence the DeepState worships satan or puts odes to Lucifer right in front of our noses, and you’re reading too far into things if you think that’s true”

Twice-folded US $1 Bill, held in the sunlight:

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