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Selam, Yewend kumta Mishetbet Channel Suggest Adergug

By: Anony_mous
Ask Anything Ethiopia

እኔ ምለው መንጃ ፍቃዴ የአዲስ አበባ ህዝብ 1 ነው
የውጪ ፕሮሰስ ጀምሬ ነበር

መንጃፍቃዱን International ካስደረኩት በአውሮፖ ውስጥ የት የት ሀገር መንዳት እችላለው ወይስ እዛ እንደ አዲስ ማውጣት አለብኝ?

By: Anonymous
Ask Anything Ethiopia

passport temezgibe nbr ena dersuwal blewu lakulgn gn late notice silhone medres mchi ayimeslegnim. ke ketrow ken behuwala mewusd echilawu?

pls mitakut🙏

By: Anonymous
Ask Anything Ethiopia

Guys ሰሞኑን በየgroupኡ የሚሸጥ 1 አመት ያለፈው group, ሜምበር ባይኖረውም ችግር የለውም ምናምን የሚሉት ነገር እውነት ነው ወይስ scammer ናቸው ደግሞስ እነርሱስ ምን ይሰራላቸዋል? እስኪ የምታውቁ ካላቹ pls

By: Anonymous
Ask Anything Ethiopia

Selam selam
kelju gar ketewawekn 3 amet lihonen nw gn abrenm yeneberew ke 1 amet befit nw ahun bergt teleyatenal yeteleyayenew lamnew slalchalku nw betm buzu stoch pp yaregal guadegnochen bemayhon melku awrto yakal keld nw sikegn eshi alkut kezam blay buzu neger kesu lemerak mokerkugn kelela sew gar mehon slk matfat sefer mekeyer gn mersat alchalkum mn larg

By: Anonymous
Ask Anything Ethiopia

Kanebebachut metsaf Arif new mtlutn ngerugn eski lanbb

By: Anonymous
Ask Anything Ethiopia

Adama lay endezi mesru botawoch mtaqu

By: Anonymous
Ask Anything Ethiopia

Selam ppl
ጅማ used slk megeza keyt agegnalw group or channel mtakut thank u

By: Anonymous👨
Ask Anything Ethiopia

አንድ ጥያቄ አለኝ እንደ ebay፣ Amazon  ላይ ኢኮሜርስ ድረ-ገጾች የተለያዩ ምርቶችን ስታዘዙ የታክስ መጠን ምን ያህል ነው....ከቀረጥ ነፃ የሆኑ ምርቶች እና ታክስ የሚከፈልባቸው ምርቶች ምንድን ናቸው ተጨማሪ መግለጫ, ሰነዶችን ከየት እና እንዴት ማግኘት እችላለሁ


By: Anonymous_tm
Ask Anything Ethiopia

Ye hikimna balmuyawoch bicha melsulgn enkirt albgn ena underweight negn ena sityik enkirtu body gain lemarg endemikb semaw ena yegtmgn enzaw new ena ewnt new?

By: Anonymous👩
Ask Anything Ethiopia

Hy guy bf alne ena 6month yehonenal gn lamenew alechalkum lmn endehon I think am losing feeling endefelkut alhonlnm negerawe endiyasetekakle gn melso yaw nw dmo like bekn west 1giza endewawelaln like 3dekika benawera nw melsha edewelalew yelal aydewelm mata tnsh enaweraln ene lawerawe eyefelku Enkuwan esu letena nw belo gn TikTok on nw kedam ena ehud dmo cherash nw mans wetaw kuwase şelale dmo ahun my best friend bf told her that he said he took my virginity that he didn’t lemeteykm deberene lijun agenchaw alawekem alne endi belehale weye gn alalkutme Mn lareg sometime I think kuwase ke ene endemibeltebt latawe aleflgm gn gn yesun manent endat lewek Mn larege pls🙏

By: Anonymous
Ask Anything Ethiopia

So i am a student and i have been in relationship with my bf for 4 years now. I love him so much and i know that he does too. My family are middle class but after I joined campus it has been so hard for my family to keep up with fees and everything. And my boyfriend is also a student he doesn't have much. But after some time specially this days I have been wondering and tbh I don't think my life will ever improve specially financially if i continue to be with him. Even in the future his future doesn't seem promising. Ena I want to help my mom and my self ahun and in the future. Idk what to do. Should i breakup with him. Or not.

By: Anonymous
Ask Anything Ethiopia

How does sunscreen works

By: Anonymous
Ask Anything Ethiopia

ናዝሬት ውስጥ አሪፍ የውሀ ማጣሪያ ማሽን የት አገኛለው?

By: Anonymous
Ask Anything Ethiopia

ሰላም ሰዎች Addia Ababa University በ Extention ለተማረ ሰዉ መጨረሻ ላይ Original Cv ሲሰጠው Extention እንደሆነ ይፃፉበታል ወይስ ልክ እንደ Regular ነው የሚሰጠው የምታውቁ ካላችሁ እስኪ ንገሩኝ ስለ ትብብራችሁ ከወዲሁ አመሰግናለሁ🙏

By: Nich_ol
Ask Anything Ethiopia

Selam betseboch kebad yhone sw yalemamn chgr albng btly r/n ship lay kezi bft mnm.gudat algatemngm fkrengam alnbrengm gn bka mnm sw lamn alchalkum lik.neng wyns aydlhum

By: Anonymous
Ask Anything Ethiopia

Betsom gize mata lay eske snt seat new meblat michalew ? Eske 6 ychalal?

By: Anonymous
Ask Anything Ethiopia

I ask for forgiveness everyday but I still sin what should I do pls help

By: Anonymous
Ask Anything Ethiopia

Monograph evaluation of drug
Literature evaluation be RCT or metal analysis enezi yetesera sample file kalachu ebakachu agarugn

By: Anonymous
Ask Anything Ethiopia

I want to ask you a question so I am a 3rd University student so it's my 3rd year second semester and I didn't pay the fees and I stopped studying that I didn't witdraw i just wasint learing this semester and what I'm asking is that because I didn't learn this whole semester and now there are actually a lot of major courses so my quetion is frist can i memzgen for the next semester the add the coures that i didnt text ahun lay

By: lame
Ask Anything Ethiopia

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