Combat Footage 18+ Telegram Channel

Mostly 18+ Graphic War Content, Occasional War Related News

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Footage of Iranian drones & missiles that were on their way to Israel being intercepted over Iraqi-Kurdistan.
Erbil & Sulaymaniyah provinces, Iraq/Kurdistan. 4/14/24

Footage of Iranian drones & missiles that were on their way to Israel being intercepted over Iraqi-Kurdistan.
Erbil & Sulaymaniyah provinces, Iraq/Kurdistan. 4/14/24

Iranian drone & missile strikes targeting Israeli cities and military structures.
Israel. 4/14/24

Iranian drone & missile strikes targeting Israeli cities and military structures.
Israel. 4/14/24

Hamas fighters ambush a group of 3 Israeli soldiers, killing 2.
Al-Zana, Gaza, Palestine. April, 2024

An Al Quds Brigades sniper shoots an Israeli soldier.
Khan Yunis, Gaza, Palestine. April, 2024

An Al Quds Brigades sniper scores a shot on an Israeli soldier.
East of Gaza, Palestine. April, 2024

Hamas militants engage Israeli tanks attempting to push deeper into the city.
Al-Shifa Medical Complex northern Rimal, Gaza, Palestine. Mid March, 2024

Hamas militants target Israeli armor from tunnel entrances.
Al-Zahra, Gaza, Palestine. Mid March, 2024


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