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NGCam | Google Camera modification

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Google Camera 8.2 by Nikita (nickpl13) v1.8

Based on: GCam 8.2.300

• Added viewfinder button for frames count
• Added new AWB (Thanks Arnova8G2)
• Added long tap on thumbnail button
• Added themed icon for Android 13
• Added additional package names
• Fixed Night Sight crash for OnePlus 5/5T
• Some fixes and additional changes

• Some information about new viewfinder button. Turn it on in Settings/Advanced/Experimental. The button has 4 different values: auto, 7, 15 and 27. Note that manual setting for frames will just show current count of frames and won't work with this viewfinder button (Thanks Burial and Rashid)
• Some information about Mi 11 Ultra AWB: GN2 is Main, S5K3T2 is Front, 586 is Wide and Tele (Thanks Arnova8G2 for extracting and Denisal for sharing)
• Long tap on switch button opens Settings screen and on thumbnail button opens Lib Patcher screen
• Finally, fixed Night Sight crash for OnePlus 5/5T on some android 12+ ROMs. Thanks Srinikethan for suggestion

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Google Camera 8.2 by Nikita (nickpl13) v1.7

Based on: GCam 8.2.300

• Added all available 120 Noise Models (Thanks Contributors)
• Added Google Pixel toggle
• Added default zoom for each lens
• Added shortcuts for Night Sight and Portrait (long tap on the app's icon)
• Changed 64 black level value to manual input
• Fixed HDR buttons in Portrait for Instantaneous HDR+
• Some fixes and additional changes

• ATTENTION! DO NOT USE Google Pixel toggle if you don't have that device from Google even if it doesn't crash on your OnePlus, Xiaomi, Redmi, Realme etc. This toggle disables some changes especially for Google Pixel 2/3/4/5
• Special thanks for Morgenman for the Noise Modeler tool and user submitted noise models source
• Manual black level input now supports fraction in decimal form (e.g. 65.5) that wasn't available in NGCam 7.4
• Some information about default zoom values: this setting allows you to change default zoom values in order to fit same look like in stock camera. For example, if your stock camera has 3x for tele but in GCam it is different (real value is 2.25x from CameraID app) you can calculate it through formula: 3/2.25=1.3333 and write it in the settings. Zoom looks different in GCam because this is a third-party app and it never lies like OEMs in stock camera app

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Google Camera 8.2 by Nikita (nickpl13) v1.6

Based on: GCam 8.2.300

• Added Custom Lib load support
• Added exposure slider control for Instantaneous HDR+ (hdrnet)
• Added translations of settings for some languages (Thanks Contributors)
• Added Exposure Compensation separated for each Lens Option
• Added summary in Lib Patcher screen
• Added AWBGains
• Fixed AWB buttons not working after restart
• Fixed AUX Camera IDs for Asus Zenfone 8 Flip
• Fixed black viewfinder
• Some fixes and additional changes

• Some information about Custom Lib load: Custom Lib won't work along with Lib Patcher. That's why If you want to use Lib Patcher you need to restore Google lib (libgcastartup.sо). Don't ask to fix it, this is not possible now
• Some information about Instantaneous HDR+: you can use exposure slider only if you enable value "camera.dualev.singleknob" in Developer Settings. So in fact HDR is different but Dual Exposure won't work on non-pixel devices
• NGCam is translated into 18 languages: 🇨🇳 Chinese Simplified, 🇫🇷 French, 🇩🇪 German, 🌎 Spanish (Latin America), 🇮🇹 Italian, 🇹🇷 Turkish, 🇬🇷 Greek, 🇭🇺 Hungarian, 🇺🇦 Ukrainian, 🇻🇳 Vietnamese, 🇮🇩 Indonesian, 🇹🇭 Thai, 🇮🇳 Bengali (India), 🇧🇷 Portuguese (Brazil), 🇪🇸 Spanish (Spain), 🇷🇺 Russian, 🇮🇱 Hebrew
• Lib Patcher screen now looks more informative. Each setting has its own on/off summary to see what enabled currently (works with restart when lib is applied)
• Channel for Custom Lib @ngcamlibs

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Google Camera 8.2 by Nikita (nickpl13) v1.5

Based on: GCam 8.2.300

• Added AUX buttons for front camera (Hide/Show and separated Camera ID)
• Added manual Color Transform and AWB
• Added Hexagon DSP (Thanks DsisD)
• Added manual focus buttons and slider
• Added formats for resolution without Pixel Binning
• Added Image Format (HDR)
• Added more Viewfinder Formats
• Added LDR for Lib Patcher in Shadow Settings
• Added Pixel 5a, 6 and 6 Pro models for HDR+ and Interface Style
• Added config for RN9P
• Fixed freezes on some SD888 devices
• Fixed Gamma Curve values
• Imporved Lib Patcher
• Optimized some visual things
• Some fixes and additional changes

• Some information about Front Lib Patcher: currently it is not really stable (it might work or not). So it is recommended to enable Tone/Gamma/Sect or/and something in Extended Lib Patcher to make it work on some devices alongside with main values (according the tests)
• Manual values for Color Transform and AWB are hidden by default. To enable them select "Manual" first in settings
• Value "camera.pck_large_yuv" is disabled. So enable it in Developer Settings if you face with some problems (however disabled is better)
• If you face with crashes on start just clear data of GCam and/or reboot your phone. Most of the crashes are because of the Lib Patcher from version 1.4

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​​NGCam | Paid Group

Support the project and get update earlier than anyone else. This is not a request but actually with your help you will motivate me a lot.

Changelog // Information // Donate

Thanks everyone for your donations!
Google Camera 8.2 by Nikita (nickpl13) v1.4

Based on: GCam 8.2.300

• Added Lib Patcher (separated for AUX)
• Added restart for Front camera (Thanks PitbulL and onFire)
• Added Graphs for Curves (Tone, Gamma and Sect)
• Improved Curve Graphs look and layouts
• Improved third-party gallery support (Thanks al_ro)
• Improved Sabre on RAW Sensor (RAW16) devices
• Fixed HDR+ Enhanced stuck
• Fixed Astro problems with DCIP3
• Some fixes and additional changes

• Special thanks for r0m10, ytsependa, AndreyZo, User_X, Arnova8G2 and SDE for their development in Lib Patcher. Thanks overwhelmer for Graphs and Seekbar code
• Old XMLs from version 8.1 won't work with Lib Patcher from version 8.2. That's why it is recommended to use new one or old with your own lib patcher tweak
• Old PseudoCT (Color Transform) from NGCam 7.4 was removed due HDR+ Enhanced issue on some devices
• On RAW Sensor (RAW16) devices you can use Sabre (Merge 2 and 3) if you enable setting in Extended Lib Patcher. If it is disabled, then you won't face with FC

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Google Camera 8.2 by Nikita (nickpl13) v1.3

Based on: GCam 8.2.300

• Added Auxiliary camera (AUX) support
• Added separated settings and dynamic hide for AUX menu
• Added Blacklisted resolution and preview to Developer Settings for AUX lenses
• Added manual stream config (opmodes)
• Added old Color Transform (PseudoCT) code (different models still exist)
• Added viewfinder format
• Added Display P3 (DCIP3) color profile
• Added more fixes for SD845/JPEG Full devices
• Fixed AutoNS for SD845/JPEG Full devices (Thanks Parrot043)
• Removed Frame duration setting and changed max exposure time values
• Changed EditTextPreference for some keys
• Updated icons and graphics
• Some fixes and additional changes

• Don't forget to clear data or change exposure time settings. Do this first in order not to have problems with new update
• Auxillary camera buttons were improved since GCam 8.1. It now fits better to new design and has 2 layouts: horizontal and vertical
• For manual stream config 0 is default values, which means that you can use settings separately like it was before (list with arrays)
• EditTextPreference now shows more data (values) dynamically in title and summary of some settings
• Special thanks for Arnova8G2 for Color Transform (PseudoCT) code, this values were ported from NGCam 7.4

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Google Camera 8.2 by Nikita (nickpl13) v1.2

Based on: GCam 8.2.300

• Added new Noise Modeler
• Added Mi11Ultra noise models (Thanks Denisal)
• Added Exposure Compensation
• Added Exposure Time and Frame Duration
• Added Blacklevel (off, default, auto, 64)
• Added stream mode for opmodes (Thanks Arnova8G2)
• Added Front video quality 720p
• Added DNG compression
• Added JPEG quality
• Added "pref_erasedots_key" and "pref_sunbug_key"
• Added option to disable 1/4 slow motion and make it completely off
• Optimized Noise Modeler screen for dynamic changes
• Fixed wrong summary for PXL_ / IMG_ toggle
• Fixed black screen on some Interface Styles
• Fixed crash in video mode with front camera

• Thanks Wichaya for reference of Noise Modeler with 8 array values. However old method is still there in order not to loose some features
• Some information about Blacklevel values: [off]: dynamic black level is turned off, [default]: no changes in the code, [auto]: changes black level value based on different exposure (Thanks Urnyx05), [64]: uses always the same value
• Developer Settings: DNG compression - "camera.compress_merged_dng_set", Front video quality - "camera.vid720p_front"
• To turn off 1/4 slow motion button you should disable "camcorder.disable_dumpling" in developer settings
• Stream mode has same SDK naming like it was in 7.4 in order to avoid misunderstanding. Try different SDK method if you have some problems in GCam

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Google Camera 8.2 by Nikita (nickpl13) v1.1

Based on: GCam 8.2.300

• Added Pixel Binning
• Added toggle to force Astrophotography
• Added Astrophotography Exposure time
• Added Instantaneous HDR+
• Added third-party gallery support
• Added stream configs, opmodes (Thanks Arnova8G2)
• Added video bitrate
• Fixed Redmi Note 8/8Pro devices (Thanks Wyroczen)
• Fixed 4k60fps on some devices
• Fixed crash with AutoNS button
• Fixed missing sound toggle on some devices
• Fixed crash on Pixel 4a 5G and Pixel 5 interface
• Some small changes and additional fixes

• "pref_mediatek_key" uses codes from Redmi Note 8 Pro. So you can try, if you face with some issue on your Mediatek SoC
• Use Developer Settings and search for "Washington" to disable video stabilization modes if you have FC

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​​​NGCam | Translations

You can always translate any string in NGCam for your language. Feel free to participate. Some new words have been added to translate for GCam 8.2 update.

Note: Use PC (or desktop mode) and search for non translated words. Vote for best translation or give yours if you want it to be updated.
​​​Thanks for 20K+ subscribers!

I would like to thank everyone for help and their support. In fact, this is really a big number for me. And I really appreciate that you like my project, share your opinions and want it to be better and better.

Thanks for your choice. GCam 7.4 is still really popular, but I try my best to give you same stable GCam 8.2 with more features. And of course, special thanks for your donations, which keeps me motivated to mod it.

NGCam community never stops, wow!
Keep it up, ngcamers 👌
Google Camera 8.2 by Nikita (nickpl13) v1.0

Based on: GCam 8.2.300

• Initial release
• Added Google AWB with 3 buttons
• Added Sabre control with merge methods
• Added Shasta and resampling
• Added HDR+ Enhanced in Portrait mode
• Added motion photos toggle
• Added tracking focus and focus data toggle
• Added device configs support
• Added jpeg and raw_sensor support
• Added device inputs for interface and HDR+
• Added XML Configs support
• Added more apps for Social Share
• Added max brightness for viewfinder
• Added app restart and long tap for settings (Thanks Urnyx05)
• Added in-app logs support (Thanks Zoran and Arnova8G2)
• Added Developer Settings and android 10 compatibility (Big thanks to Arnova8G2)
• Fixed SD845 devices (Thanks al_ro)
• Fixed video and slowmo for some devices
• Optimized some parts of the code

• This version should be more stable than NGCam 8.1.101 because of removed Google's security
• Sabre works automatically. It is disabled for raw_sensor (raw16) by default, so you won't face with FC
• Some information about AWB buttons. [On] and [Off] work always, but [Auto] works only in Night Sight (long exposure depend)

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Google Camera 8.1 by Nikita (nickpl13) v1.3

Based on: GCam 8.1.101

• Added sd845 devices support for JPEG sensor full (Xiaomi mi8 series, OnePlus 6/6T and etc.)
• Added separated resolution for auxillary camera
• Disabled AutoNS by default

• AutoNS button won't work with JPEG sensor full devices. It will FC. However you will be able to access settings through video shortcut

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​​NGCam | Fixes

JPEG devices full are finally fixed in NGCam 8.1 with a new version. So Xiaomi mi8 series, OnePlus 6/6T and etc. will be supported soon. Sorry for the long delay, but the bug was really hard to fix.

And new version is already available in Private Group for tests. So you may join and support the project if you can't wait.

Let's see how many devices need sd845 support in Google Camera. Do you have Snapdragon 845 device?
NGCam | Paid Group

Join if you really want to support the project and get updates faster than anyone else. All information is already on the website with current changelog.

I will appreciate your help. Thank you and good luck!
Google Camera 8.1 by Nikita (nickpl13) v1.2

Based on: GCam 8.1.101

• Added Auxiliary Camera support (AUX)
• Added separated settings for each lens
• Added manual focus settings and slider
• Added custom libs by r0m10 and User_X
• Added formats for resolution without Pixel Binning
• Added new apps in Social Share (Telegram Web and Catogram)
• Optimized GCam for Google Pixel devices
• Fixed black viewfinder in video mode

• Special thanks for Urnyx05, Wichaya for AUX buttons code and Parrot043 for the way to enable part of aux code. Vertical layout is made fully by me
• AUX buttons support vertical and horizontal layout. Don't forget to disable "ZoomUI" toggle first for horizontal layout
• Custom Libs won't work with Lib Patcher values. Thanks Vasencheg for new method
• If you have Google Pixel, don't forget to enable toggle in Settings > Advanced > Device model

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NGCam | Blog

Recently, I've decided to create a blog about Google Camera and other tech stuff. If you're interested, feel free to check it. There is already some description about NGCam advanced settings.

All is available on my website. Enjoy and stay tuned for more!
Google Camera 8.1 by Nikita (nickpl13) v1.1

Based on: GCam 8.1.101

• Added Lib Patcher
• Added Tone and Gamma Curves (Thanks overwhelmer)
• Added Experimental Lib Patcher (Thanks SDE)
• Added Color Transform (Thanks al_ro)
• Added Black Level
• Added separated Sabre control (merge)
• Added save location (PXL_ or IMG_)
• Added resampling
• Added Hexagon DSP
• Added viewfinder format
• Added "pref_gl_key" to change viewfinder
• Fixed RN8P and RN9P issues
• Improved frames setting
• Improved raw_sensor
• Updated icons and menu
• Some additional fixes

• Special thanks for r0m10, ytsependa, AndreyZo, User_X, Arnova8G2 and SDE for their development in Lib Patcher

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NGCam | Paid Testers

Since GCam 8.1 is really a problem now and modder community is different, I decided to create a closed group.

What are the benefits?
• Faster and regular updates
• Better support and contact
• Some features you ask to add
• Regular private APKs
• Mod with extra features (near feature)

What do you need to do to join?
• Donate $4 (or more) through PayPal or YooMoney
• Write your nickname in the description
• Wait for accepting or getting invite
• Follow the rules and don't leak anything
• Write your device's name in the chat

By paying, you agree that you have read everything carefully and will not require big fixes for a specific device.

This is not the group for fixing every device which I don't have. But with this you will motivate me to keep doing GCam. Public builds will be released with a delay. So this group is a good idea if you don't want to wait for a long time and would like to use newest versions.

Thank you and good luck!

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