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Gallup is reporting only 36% approving. This is HUGE. Approval for Israel has never been this low in America. The Boomers are finally waking up.
Other Muslim duat: Please make a statement against the ADL like our brothers Hamza Tzortzis and Paul Williams have done here.

You may disagree with me on many things, but I think we all agree that we cannot bow down to the Zionist enablers of genocide against our Palestinian brothers and sisters.

If they are successful in shutting me down, they are setting a precedent: Anyone who critiques Jewish pro-genocide extremism can be shut down.

Raising a unified Muslim voice against the Islamophobic intimidation tactics of the ADL does have a big effect inshaAllah. It shows that Muslims are going to fight back against their attempts to control the online platforms.

Speak out!
Some Muslims think that, when it comes to religious theology, Judaism is the most similar to Islam compared to other religions because they think Judaism is monotheistic and has a similar idea of religious law.

But the differences are huge and sometimes surprising.
Muslims have been absolutely shocked by this debate for two reasons:

1. The sheer amount of polytheism found in the Bible and Jewish tradition
2. How nice the Jewish debater David was

Watch it and share. InshaAllah you will find it very interesting and educational.
WATCH LIVE in 19hrs inshaAllah: https://youtube.com/live/hMGejqo6UCk
SHOCKING: Rabbi Faris says calling out Israeli crimes "has no value." Furthermore, he does not criticize Israel by name because the UAE government will get a call and will shut him down.

Look at how casually he says this. Does he not have a heart, that it is so easy for him to turn his back on the Palestinians? The Madkhalis are disgusting traitors and supporters of Zionism.

But it's not only them. There are others, like "Mufti" Menk who also have refused to mention the word "Israel."
The Zionist ADL is trying to ban me off all social media because Zionists cannot respond to my critiques against traditional Judaism.

There are many people critiquing Zionism online today with millions of followers.

But they're targeting me specifically because I'm exposing how Judaism as a religion inspires genocidal behavior of Israel against Palestinians.

For 20 years, Zionists have viciously attacked Islam, claiming (falsely) that Islamkc texts inspire terrorism. But if I turn the tables and point out how, for example, the Bible's concept of Amalek is used as a religious justification for Jewish extremism, e.g., starving to death 2 million Palestinians in Gaza, then they cannot tolerate that and have to wipe me from the internet.

Ask why the ADL, the most aggressive, well-funded US Zionist activist org is dedicated an attack against me? They desperately need to silence me.

Don't let them! Retweet and repost!
I have a body of 10 years of work, academically discussing and debating comparative religion.

Only in the past 6 months, due to Israel's genocide in Gaza have I critically looked at Jewish religious texts and asked how these texts are informing the genocidal behavior of the Israeli state. According to you, that makes me an extremist antisemite.

Is anyone who says that Islamic religious texts inspire terrorism an extremist Islamophobe?

Why this double standard? Is it because the ADL wants to silence Muslims in the US speaking out against Israeli crimes against Palestinians?
I respond to the ADL's hit piece against me.

Live now!
WATCH LIVE in 19hrs inshaAllah: https://youtube.com/live/hMGejqo6UCk
Why is this Christian apologist (Shamoun) scared to debate me?

We were in talks to do a special format debate with ModernDayDebate, where the Christian side provides 3 topics and the Muslim side provides 3 topics to debate live.

Shamoun agreed and gave the following topics:

1. The Quran's View of the Bible
2. The Quran's manifold errors and corruptions
3. Does the Quran and Sunnah actually teach Tauhid?

I said sure no problem. Here are my 3 topics:

1. Authenticity of Christian Scripture and Doctrine
2. Coherence of the Trinity
3. Human Rights and the Bible

Apparently, as soon as Shamoun heard my topics, he dropped out of the debate lol

What's wrong, Shamoun? Why can't you debate these topics?

Any Christian apologist worth his salt should be more than ready to address these very basic issues.

What makes it extra pathetic is that Shamoun and his gooners are constantly accusing me of being scared to debate him. Shamoun even made a video lying to his audience that I "ran from having a live debate."
WATCH LIVE in 19hrs inshaAllah:

It's crazy that the madkhalis are screaming about how boycotting Israel is haram when, very recently, we exposed how their "dawah" is just a government-funded psyop, and they said absolutely nothing in response.

All the receipts are here:

The "conservative movement" is now controlled by extremist Jews (i.e., Zionists).

As a result, the movement now focuses on brainwashing Christians into believing that their salvation depends on (1) serving Jews (2) killing Muslims (i.e., Palestinians/Arabs and other Muslim populations which support Palestinians/Arabs).

Media plays a central role in this project. Extremist Jews run media companies which have disseminated the most vitriolic anti-Muslim propaganda for over two decades. They are directly responsible for the non-ending "War on Terror" and Ethnic cleansing of Palestine which have cost an estimated 2-4 million Muslim lives.
From @bheriaMS on twitter. The Talmud says slapping a Jew's cheek is tantamount to slapping "God's cheek."

Terrorism is usually defined as political violence carried out by non-state actors - typically targeting civilians.

Traditional Islam endorses imperial conquest - like traditional Judaism, Hinduism, and Catholic Christianity. However, it does not endorse terrorism.

Islam prohibits random individuals from carrying out attacks or targeting groups like women, children, and the elderly. The rules of jihad require that wars be planned and carried out by a legitimate Muslim ruler (imam) in a manner which advances the interests of Islam and Muslims, and in a manner which shows due respect to the life of non-Muslims.

If you look at all of premodern Muslims history, you will find imperial conquest carried out in keeping with jihad rules. However, you will not find terrorist groups.

In other words, you will not find random groups of non-state actors travelling across the world and targeting others with violence, and doing things like indiscriminately slaughtering women and children.

Terrorist groups of this kind only emerge in the Muslim world after the 1970s. They are inspired by new books which claim that random non-state actors are permitted to form militant groups and travel across the globe targeting non-Muslims and Muslims with indiscriminate violence.

The two most important books are

(1) “The Neglected Obligation” (al-Farīḍa al-Ghāʾiba). It was written in the late 1970s by the religious intellectual Muhammad ‘Abd al-Salam Faraj.

(2) “Defense of Muslim Lands: The Most Important Obligation on Individual Muslims” (Difāʿ ‘an Arāḍī al-Muslimīn: Ahamm Furūḍ al-A’yān). It was written around 1980 by the religious scholar ‘Abdullah Azzam.

These books inspire terrorist groups like al-Qaeda (founded in the 1980s) and ISIS (founded in the early 2000s). Significantly, these groups were heavily infiltrated by Western intelligence agencies and came to be used to advance their geopolitical goals. In the case of al-Qaeda, the infiltration was gradual. Meanwhile, ISIS has arguably been under Western control from its inception.

Such terrorist groups are radically different from movements like Taliban and Hamas. These movements operate under the leadership of political authorities who design plans meant to advance the interests of Islam and Muslims. Their affiliates do not rove across the globe carrying out random senseless attacks targeting non-Muslims and Muslims. Generally speaking, they avoid intentionally targeting women and children (although like any movements, they have made mistakes and breached Islamic jihad principles at times).

Critics of Islam claim that terrorist groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS practice traditional Islamic teachings. Such groups are taken as proof that Islam endorses terrorism. Here is a challenge for these critics: Name some terrorist groups operating in the Muslim world prior to the 1970s.

You will not find any group like al-Qaeda and ISIS, roving across the globe carrying out random attacks. The most you will be able to find is some religiously inspired Muslim anti-colonial guerilla movements which resemble religiously inspired Christian, Hindu, and Buddhist anti-colonial guerilla movements.

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