Official Kemono Welcome Room Telegram Channel

The official welcome room for all telegram related chats and channels.

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A reminder for everyone:

Telegram and partychan are the only official social presences for Kemono.

Kemono does not have a Twitter, Discord, Reddit, ETC. Any found to be using Kemono's likeness are impersonators. Do not interract with them, and if you do see them, report them.

Thanks for using Kemono!
Kemono tools
Where all your QOL and archiving needs can be found. (Kinda like rule34)
The official telegram chat
Due to the group now exceeding 10000 members, we have stopped accepting new joins.
It is now in approval only mode.
If you try to join, you may be let if you have legitimate business with Kemono
Otherwise, you will be either denied or banned.

Hello, and welcome to the official portal for all Telegram chatrooms related to kemono! Each serve a different purpose.

The Kemono Party: This is the main chat, intended for development discussion and bug reporting. General discussion about technology is also welcome; everything else belongs in banter.

Kemono Tools: A channel containing useful tools to enhance your experience while using Kemono!

Disclaimer: Make sure you follow the rules when prompted to read them by the bot. Failure to do so may result in immediate yeeting or banning.
Failure to comply with the rules will be met with harsh consequence and likely no second chance.

Also, names containing blank/whitespace chars, only punctuation or single letters will lead to your yeeting.

Also also, asking already answered questions immediately after joining will result in you being kicked.

To find links to these chats, please see the links below:
Channel created

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